Program Title Afaha community Health Education initiative
Problem Statement Lack of economic development in the ten villages of Afaha Clan
Program Sponsor Afaha Development Congress
Program Champion Dr. Dorothy Umoh
Program Customers The 10 villages of Afaha community, Essien Udim LGA
Program Purpose To improve the economic status of Afaha indigenes who reside in the 10 villages that make up Afaha Community
Scope Identify some of the barriers that deter economic development in the villages and develop strategies to improve the economic situation in the villages
High-Level Requirements Must recruit qualified and willing volunteers from ADC; collect data pertaining to existing barriers to economic improvement ; money; volunteers willing to commit approximately 520 hours and minimum resources to the project; Must involve all ten villages. Chosen program must be practical and adaptable to benefit recipients. Requires a prototype.
Program Objectives To develop and implement measures to improve the economic status of Afaha indigenes
Deliverables Afaha Economic development and implementation Plan  (Program Activities, Program Schedule, Program budget, Program logistics and delivery management); Prioritization of type of economic development measures.
Program Risk Commitment of volunteers, poor or lack of communication, not enough money to complete, and collaboration with indigenes and leaders of Afaha clan; government interference
Summary Milestone Start Phase I; (a) Identify barriers and obtain consensus; (b) Complete program planning, obtain consensus to implement prototype; Start Phase II –  Implement Prototype in Afaha Start Phase III (a) revision based on prototype and (b) implementation of actual project.  Phase IV (a) Completion , (b) Lessons learned meeting
Program Funding To be determined.
Measurable outcomes increase economic status in Afaha
Key Stakeholders ADC members, Afaha clan indigenes; government entities.  
Success Criteria All Program high-level requirements are met.
Success Factors Key Performance Indicators: barriers are identified and consensus obtained; timely completion of the program plan; ability to reach consensus; prototype implementation;  adoption of prototype for expanded implementation; availability of funds; cooperation of all stake holders
Assumptions That all Stakeholders have common understanding about program outcomes. That people at home will be willing to work with ADC; That they would be no interference from government. That issues identification and priortization are in progress during Phase I. 
Constraints Cost, schedule of volunteers, safety concerns , beliefs and customs, logistics
Team ADC volunteers